Finding your way in the world of sound


Then sound . . .
                  . . . organized in some meaningful fashion.

With words, and without.

The words tell a story . . .
                              . . . but so does the music - a musical story that words can only begin to describe. A story that can even be told without words, through a mysterious, almost mystical conjuring.

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So we begin.

Thinking about music
         . . . how it works its magic
         . . . how it unfolds over time
         . . . how it weaves familiar and unfamiliar elements together into a tapestry of sound

How do we make sense of it? Or do we just immerse ourselves in it and let it flow over and through us?

Let's think of this more as a road map than a "User's manual." A user's manual often contains more information than we would ever want to know, dry descriptions of nuts and bolts issues, does and don'ts, and a listing of "error messages" - what could go wrong and what to do about it.

On the other hand, a road map gives you details, shows the connections between things, and lets you also see the bigger picture . . . where you're leaving from, and where you're headed.

So that's where we'll start - with a road map for a journey in sound.
